The benefits of RakasaFit are many, and teaching RakasaFit is the perfect way to get the most out of them! Teach in any location as a licensed RakasaFit™ instructor, backed by lots of ongoing support, including music, publicity materials, routines, community activities, and more. RakasaFit provides a simple, elegant, and efficient format that requires minimal preparation and strengthens existing students while attracting new ones.

Basic belly dance technique is required, which means not everyone can become a RakasaFit™ instructor, an exclusive advantage in both dance and fitness sectors. And because of RakasaFit’s deep core approach, you maintain top-notch belly dance technique and optimal fitness when teaching it!
Instructors and studios can offer a fully structured high quality belly dance workout among their menu of classes, and attract new interest in the other class offerings. RakasaFit instructors can also expand opportunities with fitness centers and locations that may not traditionally offer belly dance. And rather than investing immense administrative time to create new web pages, class descriptions, logos, and other materials, you can represent your class through a professional certified program and increasingly recognized brand, and simply focus on the joy of teaching.
RakasaFit certification can also serve as a personal growth achievement and does not necessarily require teaching. Join the global RakasaFit community!
"Taught my second RakasaFit class this past week! It’s so much fun! So excited to not have to come up with my own lesson plan! So excited to go dance it out with a bunch of women and get my dance fix! Thank you so much Suzanna for all your hard work on this!" – Mirabai, instructor and performer
— Lara Victoria, instructor and performer
RakasaFit™ Instructor Training & Certification
Upcoming 2022 Training & Certification Workshops:
A great workout and a total high afterwards. I'm really excited to continue with it! Huge thanks to Suzanna Davis for developing this amazing program and for her support and guidance!”
— Amira, instructor and performer
RakasaFit instructor training covers:
The RakasaFit™ method, logic, and principles.
How to prepare your classes using existing combos and materials, and how to quickly create new ones according to guidelines.
How to rapidly guide students from fundamentals to complete combinations within minutes while maintaining a nonstop workout pace.
How to speak audibly and succinctly to a group while simultaneously maintaining clear and crisp movement.
How to call out cues rhythmically within the 4 beats prior to execution.
How to manage time and adjust in the moment.
How to use RakasaFit resources for class material, establishing new classes, music, promoting, etc.
Best practices for business.
Future opportunities with RakasaFit.
And more!
We understand that some of these skills can only be acquired through ongoing classroom experience, thus RakasaFit certification requires demonstration of progress toward these objectives, and we'll provide lots of support to help get you there!
I'm very excited about teaching/sharing RakasaFit and I am going to be logging in often to review combos/warm up/cool down and other information so that I can make a good class. Thank you for sharing your core fitness belly dance system with me in your workshop, it's going to be a fun way to teach and stay in shape!! I'm so glad I attended!"— Casandra Corette, instructor and performer